I am a language lover, a non-Italian Italianista, a photographer, arts administrator, and most importantly, a New Yorker.
Visual Art
Photography has been a cherished medium of mine since I was 16. My passion for visual art led me to SUNY Purchase, where I studied photography, and later to Italy, where I fell in love with the art history, language, and culture. I still shoot, and will always be an analog girlie.
Language and Culture
I have been visiting Italy on and off over the past 15 years and honing my knowledge of everything Italian from conjugation to la carbonara. My passion for linguistics was sparked during my time in Italy, leading me to pursue a Masters degree in Italian Studies and Sociolinguistics at Georgetown University. Since graduating, I have taught Italian to both children and adults, and I am available for private lessons.
In my graduate studies, I specialized in Political Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistic Variation, and Second Dialect Acquisition. My research analyzed linguistic patterns that exercise control and power on society and show how we engage in identity work with language.